
Urban Poor Vulnerabilities, Solidarity Networks, and Pathways to Resilience

“Urban Poor Vulnerabilities, Solidarity Networks, and Pathways to Resilience” was presented by Dr. Anna Marie Karaos at the National Resilience Council COVID-19 KNOWLEDGE SERIES Webinar 3 – Resilient Recovery of the Most Vulnerable: Challenges and Opportunities on 12 May 2020.

Dr. Karaos’ presentation has been transcribed and the full documentation may be accessed below along with the video recording of her discussion.


 Page 3 - Where the urban poor are 
Page 6 - Vulnerability profile of Metro Manila’s urban poor
Page 8 - Urban poor livelihoods and the urban economy
Page 12 - The role of informal solidarity networks
Page 14 - Pathways to resilience-building of the urban poor

Access the presentation below:                

Urban Poor Vulnerabilities, Solidarity Networks, and Pathways to Resilience.PDF

Watch the presentation below:

Dr. Anna Marie “Jing” Karaos is a social development professional and academic specializing in urban poverty research and policy advocacy. She is the Associate Director and Head of the Urban Poverty and Governance Program of the John J Carroll Institute on Church and Social Issues, an advocacy-oriented research center under the Philippine Jesuits. She is a former Chair of the Caucus of Development NGO Networks, or CODE NGO, an umbrella network of 12 national and regional NGO networks in the Philippines, and a former Chair and currently a member of the Board of PHILSSA (Partnership of Philippine Support Service Agencies) which is a network of NGOs engaged in urban poverty-focused development work.
As an academic, she is a Professorial Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the Ateneo de Manila University and a member of the University’s Board of Trustees. She is also a member of the Council of Advisors of the Coastal Cities at Risk Philippines Project. She obtained her Doctorate in Sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York City and Master of Philosophy on Economics and Politics of Development from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.