The National Resilience Council (NRC) is a science and technology-based public-private partnership that supports government, communities, the academe, and the private sector in advancing the intersecting goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, the New Urban Agenda, and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)’s Making Cities Resilient Campaign. Driven by the convergence of the visions of Ambassador Roberto R. Romulo and Mr. Hans T. Sy, of SM Prime Holdings, Inc., it is co-chaired by Secretary Delfin Lorenzana of the Department of National Defense and Mr. Sy. NRC has four vice-chairpersons representing government, the private sector, academia, and civil society. This structure facilitates the institutionalization of partnerships between various sectors. It likewise ensures the identification of shared values and the co-creation of strategic solutions to demand-driven resilience challenges. The NRC is principally supported by the Philippines’ leading conglomerates; thus, it is also the lead implementing partner of the UNDRR’s Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE) Philippines.
NRC aims to strengthen dynamic collaboration between the academe, civil society organizations, and the public and private sectors. It promotes leadership and governance based on knowledge development and the application of science and technology-based solutions to the multiple challenges of disaster risk. It supports trans-disciplinary action research and applies training, coaching, and mentoring to enhance the internal capacities of local government units to build local resilience. Moreover, it fosters coalition-building and high-level collaboration between government and industry.
NRC recognizes that the complex and dynamic nature of risk and the Philippines’ unique patterns of development require the building of a culture of prevention. It addresses this by bridging critical gaps between science, policy, and practice through its Resilient Local Government Units Program, a two-track three-year program designed to build capacity in evidence-informed risk governance and was cited as one of the Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments’ good practices; the Resilience Scorecard, which is a system of metrics featuring over 90 indicators that are based on local and international resilience rating standards; and the Adopt-a-City Program, which highlights an innovative pathway for corporations to collaborate more strategically with local governments.