An update from Mami Mizutori, UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction — 13 July 2020

In the newsletter circulated by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction Mami Mizutori writes about the lessons brought about by the COVID crisis: with good governance being at the heart of disaster resilience and the need for better recovery strategies that are climate-conscious and environmentally sustainable.

I have been thinking, writing, and talking a lot about good governance recently and how its absence can drive disaster risk.

COVID-19 has driven home the understanding that without good disaster risk governance it is extremely difficult to manage any other underlying drivers of disaster risk. The most glaring example of this is the continued failure to make progress on tackling the climate emergency, notably the continuing rise in greenhouse gas emissions as we ignore the catastrophe in waiting if we stay on the current path towards 3˚C or more in global warming. I was glad to have the opportunity to announce on the first day of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in my keynote remarks for the ‘Virtual Side Event on Water-related DRR under the COVID-19 Pandemic’ that the focus of this year’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on October 13 will be on disaster risk governance. This is in the context of promoting target E of the Sendai Framework which seeks a substantial increase in the number of national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020.

Failure to act on the science and warnings about the threat of a pandemic were at the heart of the inertia to prepare for COVID-19 in many countries despite the inclusion — at the insistence of UN member States — of biological hazards and risks (including pandemics) in the Sendai Framework five years ago.

Since then only a few national disaster risk reduction strategies have taken pandemics into account, a point I made again during my participation earlier this month in The Economist magazine’s podcast The World Ahead.

You can be rest assured that our Regional Offices are working hard to redress this and to support governments to put in place DRR strategies which recognise the multi-hazard and systemic nature of disaster risk.


Speaking at another event hosted by the HLPF focused on sustaining efforts to switch to sustainable energy, I made the point that there is no doubt that fossil fuels are a major contributor to the alarming levels of increasingly systemic disaster risk across the world.

The five years since the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was adopted have been the hottest on record, and the number of extreme weather events has almost doubled over the last twenty years.

Many countries are now challenged with responding to extreme weather events such as cyclones, drought and storms while struggling to contain COVID-19. A key guiding principle of the Sendai Framework is to ensure that all new investments are risk-informed to avoid the creation of new disaster risk.

This is especially important for energy sector infrastructure which in turn supports other critical infrastructure on which societies depend.

We need to recover better from the COVID-19 pandemic, and that requires political commitment and ambition to fight climate change, and a wholesale switch to sustainable energy.

We look to the G20 nations, responsible for almost 80% of greenhouse gas emissions, to lead by example.


Work is now underway in UNDRR to pull together the initial learnings we have been able to gather on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it currently stands and make it readily accessible in a user-friendly format. We know that the pandemic is far from over but the better we know what has worked well and what hasn’t thus far will help us in tackling the next phases, reducing its impact and recovering faster and better.

In the meantime, you can catch up here on the informative series of webinars that we have been running with partners since the onset of the pandemic.


Mexico is one of the countries hardest hit by COVID-19. Over 30,000 people have lost their lives and there are over 270,000 confirmed cases, in the country which is in a region which has now become the epicentre of the pandemic. Many people are finding it hard to make a living and businesses are struggling to stay afloat as preventive measures are introduced.

UNDRR’s Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean has signed a “Resilience Protocol” which is a collaborative agreement with ARISE Mexico and the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism aimed to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises which are so important to employment.

ARISE Mexico is part of UNDRR’s worldwide Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE) which recognizes the need to better integrate risk into business practices and decisions, as well as generate networks of support with different partners like Chambers of Commerce.


UNDRR’s newly appointed Director, Ricardo Mena, delivered a statement to the HLPF under the theme “protecting the planet and building resilience” in which he highlighted the fact that less than half of UN member States have developed national and local disaster risk reduction strategies since the adoption of the Sendai Framework five years ago.

His statement concluded: “Disaster risk governance requires clear vision, plans, competence, guidance and coordination within and across sectors, and full engagement with civil society.

An important way of measuring disaster risk governance is against key targets of the Sendai Framework including reducing loss of life, reducing the numbers of people affected and reducing economic losses.

COVID-19 has been an enormous setback for the efforts of many countries in achieving these targets with serious implications for efforts to achieve the SDGs.

UNDRR urges UN Member States to put in place national and local disaster risk reduction strategies which recognise the fact that disaster risk is systemic in nature and widespread across all sectors and development processes.”

* * *


I hope that you will find this update useful and informative.
If you would like more information about UNDRR’s many activities, please do visit and please — stay safe and well.

Web-based Geospatial Risk Database for COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery

The National Resilience Council of the Philippines forged a partnership with the Coastal Cities at Risk in the Philippines Project of the Ateneo de Manila University, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, and EpiMetrics, Inc. to implement the Web-based Geospatial Risk Database for COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery training program. Its first phase was launched from June 16 to 23, 2020. The training program enhances local decision support systems by providing both temporal and spatial situational awareness. It was designed to advance the continuing professionalization of Philippine local government officials in the area of evidence-informed disaster risk governance.

The Geospatial Risk Database Decision Support System was first developed by Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan in close coordination with the Philippine Department of Health Region X to support and inform responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Being web-based, the geospatial risk information platform may be utilized and updated by team members who are working from different locations.  Their basic deliverables include building a shared dashboard that reflects the collection, analyses and visualization of data critical to containment and mitigation.

Other thematic layers may be created to enable greater situational awareness of syndromic data at the household level and pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions such as tracking the status of cases, the distribution of food relief packages, and the delivery of financial assistance under the Philippine Social Amelioration Program.

This spatio-temporal approach to mapping COVID-19 is an innovation that facilitates a shared awareness of natural and biological hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. It enables a systems approach to analyzing disaster risk which may then inform local climate and disaster risk assessments. A greater understanding of the complexities of COVID-19 may then facilitate the inclusion of pandemic prevention and response in future investments in medium and long-term resilience.

Program participants include the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Iloilo, Muntinlupa, Naga, Ormoc, and Zamboanga, and their respective academic partners in the NRC Resilient LGU Systems Program, namely: Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, University of the Philippines-Visayas, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, Ateneo de Naga University, Visayas State University, and Ateneo de Zamboanga. Local government teams included officers of the City Planning Development Office, Health Office, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office.

During the closing session of the 6-day training program, city teams presented their initial project outputs which consisted of a preliminary dashboard, ArcGIS StoryMaps, and their work plan for the full development of their COVID-19 Web-based Geospatial Risk Database.

For more information about this program and other NRC initiatives, please email [email protected] or visit

Participants of the training program pose for a class photo during the closing session held on June 23, 2020. Addressing the audience are NRC Convenor Ambassador Roberto R. Romulo, NRC Co-chair for the Private Sector Mr. Hans Sy, NRC Vice-Chair for CSOs/NGOs Mr. Ernesto Garilao, DND Undersecretary Mr. Cardozo Luna, and DILG Undersecretary Mr. Nestor Quinsay, Jr.

An update from Mami Mizutori, UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction — 25 June 2020

In the newsletter circulated by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction Mami Mizutori writes an update on the on-going efforts and initiatives by DRR Organizations and Advocates in the fight against COVID-19.

There is worldwide recognition that the fight against COVID-19 will mainly take place in our cities and towns. The denser the population, and the more informal the human settlement, the more likely it is that the virus will spread.

In my opinion piece, with the Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, we highlight the fact that some 95% of COVID-19 cases have come from urban areas where pandemic preparedness is more urgent than ever, particularly in challenging situations where disease outbreaks could coincide with an extreme weather event.
It was a theme that I revisited in a webinar organized by our Panama Regional Office The cities of the Americas and the Caribbean facing COVID-19: Resilient Cities. A major economic contraction could plunge 28 million people in the region into poverty in one of the world’s most urbanized regions.

Later this year, the Making Cities Resilient Campaign will be succeeded by an initiative joining forces with UN-Habitat, the World Bank, UCLG, ICLEI, and other partners to shift the focus from advocacy to implementation of local DRR strategies to enhance local resilience over the next decade.

In my recent remarks to the Executive Bureau of UCLG I highlighted three focus areas:

  • First, provide advisory support for improved and risk-informed investment and development planning, climate finance, municipal finance, and climate adaptation;
  • Second, improve coordination between national and local governments and national associations of local governments for risk reduction measures,
  • And third, forge strong partnerships at the local level for more efficient implementation of policies for local resilience.

The lack of funding has been identified as the biggest challenge in building local resilience and we hope this broadened engagement will help cities to overcome this. We also want to enhance city-to-city exchanges and mentoring amongst local governments at different stages of development.


The International Recovery Platform (IRP) has produced a useful compendium for COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery comprising 21 tools and guidelines for Health Sector Recovery; Private Sector and Livelihood Recovery; Inclusive Recovery; and Disaster Recovery Governance.

Recovery from COVID-19 must seek to build the resilience of public and private systems and the sooner we start planning to factor in biological hazards and risks in national and local DRR strategies (Sendai Framework Target (e), the better.

The wider recovery effort will require multisectoral participation to address a range of issues that are also relevant for many other types of disaster (e.g. infrastructure, education, governance, commerce). The unprecedented nature of the current disaster requires consideration of new approaches in order to recover better.

The COVID-19 Recovery Policy Brief for decision and policymakers defines the COVID-19 recovery context and supplements existing guidance with key principles and practices to guide recovery planning.


Work is continuing through our Regional Offices to ensure national strategies are aligned with the Sendai Framework on the inclusion of biological hazards and risks.

For instance, our Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has completed a review of 22 existing national strategies to examine the level of integration of biological hazards. The Office is now moving to interviews with country Sendai Framework focal points to understand and support countries in strengthening their risk management governance.

Similar review processes are underway in all other Regional Offices.

Given the concentration of COVID-19 cases in urban settings, the Regional Office for Arab States has developed a questionnaire on cities’ role in preparing and responding to COVID-19.


We recently disseminated the UNDRR Statement by the Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism on “Applying Lessons from COVID-19 Prevention and Risk Reduction to Build a Sustainable and Resilient World”. It calls on government leaders to:

  1. Implement a preventive approach as we build back better.
  2. Commit to protect the most vulnerable.
  3. Strengthen multilateralism based on long-term vision, democratic values, human rights, health equity, accessibility, social justice, and respect for nature.
  4. Provide messaging consistent with medical advice and ensuring that harmful misinformation is quickly countered.
  5. Encourage appropriate individual action.

The Statement reads: “Despite the disruption and suffering caused by COVID-19, we are provided with a rare opportunity to develop case studies, lessons learned and policy guidelines on the risk management of the pandemic and share them globally. It also will lead us to revisit much that underpins our modern world – from governance, investment, production, and consumption, to our relationship with nature and each other, placing risk reduction at its heart.


The UN Secretary-General has appointed Ricardo Mena as the new Director of UNDRR. Ricardo has a wealth of disaster response and DRR knowledge from his field and HQ experiences. He joined UNDRR as head of our Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean in 2009. Since 2017 he has been chief of branch in charge of Supporting and Monitoring the Implementation of the Sendai Framework. In his new role as my deputy, Ricardo is well-positioned to become an even stronger advocate on behalf of DRR.

Do check out our ongoing series of blog posts under DRR Voices on PreventionWeb. Dr. Rahel Steinbach highlights how gender and age are decisive factors influencing people’s ability to prevent, prepare for and recover from COVID-19 and its consequences. PhD researcher, Sapana Basnet Bista, has four recommendations for inclusive risk communication. Dr. Aaron Clark-Ginsberg writes about How DRR can help reduce elderly loneliness during the pandemic.


I hope that you will find this update useful and informative.
If you would like more information about UNDRR’s many activities, please do visit and please — stay safe and well.

Response and Recovery Efforts by the Private Sector and Local Governments in the Philippine

NRC President, Ms. Toni Yulo-Loyzaga spoke about the Response and Recovery Efforts by the Private Sector and Local Governments in the Philippine during the Multi-Hazards Approach and COVID-19: Flattening the Curve and Early Recovery Lessons Webinar organized by APRU- Association of Pacific Rim Universities

Watch the full session below:

Coronavirus disease (COVID 19) has caused devastating damage to the whole world and shown how important it is to prepare for a pandemic as hard as other disasters. Some countries are in the early phase of recovery after going through extremely difficult times and experiences. This webinar aims to share these experiences and the lessons learned from the response and recovery by different sectors: UN agencies, governments, the private sector, and academia. For more information about the webinar and speakers, please visit

‘Dogged pragmatism’ needed to save Ocean: UN Special Envoy

Author: UN News | Date: 2 June 2020

‘Dogged pragmatism’ is needed to save the Ocean as the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, according to the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean.

Peter Thomson, who hails from the Pacific Ocean island of Fiji, spoke to UN News ahead of World Oceans Day marked annually on 8 June, and explained why it’s crucial not to forget how important the Ocean is, to the future of the planet.

Where are we right now in terms of the physical health of the Ocean?

Peter Thomson, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly during the reception by co-hosts (Sweden and Fiji) at The Ocean Conference at the UN on June 05, 2017., by UN Photo/Ariana Lindquist

The Ocean is in trouble. Some 60 percent of the world’s major marine ecosystems have been degraded or are being used unsustainably. We know that the Ocean is getting warmer, that it is losing oxygen and becoming more acidic. These changes, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, are incrementally making life underwater more difficult, with big implications for life on land. 

Deep cuts in our greenhouse gas emissions are required if we want to reverse the declining health of the Ocean.

As we approach the massive task of socio-economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, the self-interest of our species lies in investing public funds into a future of sustainable projects that help the environment and the climate. 

Why should we care so much about the Ocean?

Billions of people depend on the Ocean for their main source of protein and millions of others draw their livelihood from the seas. It’s estimated that marine fisheries provide 57 million jobs globally.

Covering 70 percent of the earth’s surface, absorbing 25 percent of all carbon dioxide CO2 emissions and 90 percent of the heat generated by our greenhouse gas emissions, the Ocean is the planet’s largest biosphere and climate regulator.  

It generates 50 percent of the oxygen we breathe and is often described as the lungs of this planet. It is also the planet’s largest carbon sink, making it one of our greatest allies as we face the challenges of global warming.

But the Ocean’s resistance and resilience are not infinite, and we cannot expect it to endlessly absorb the effects of unsustainable human activities. 

It is said that trouble for the Ocean means trouble for the people, for we cannot have a healthy planetary ecosystem without having a healthy Ocean. 

To what extent do you see the current COVID-19 crisis as a way to provoke a rethink of the way humankind treats the Ocean?

Coral reefs like this one in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt generate income as underwater tourist attractions., by Coral Reef Image Bank/Fabrice Du

In this respect I urge you to think about the six principles that UN Secretary-General Guterres laid down in his Earth Day address this year, principles that included ending fossil fuel subsidies, polluters being made to pay for their pollution, and investing public funds into a future of sustainable projects that help the environment and the climate. 

The future of human health, of sustainable food and socio-economic systems, of renewable energy and of a stable climate relies on a healthy Ocean. Therefore, I trust that the tragedies suffered through the COVID-19 crisis will not be repeated by returning to the planet-polluting policies that preceded the pandemic. The best interests of our countries and communities lie in investing in the clean, green transition.

 At this time, decisions on massive financial commitments are in train, and before the seal is set upon them, we should ensure the consequences of taking the low road back to the polluting fossil-fuel dependant world we knew, are understood and avoided. Governments, development banks, agencies, corporations, none should allow themselves to avoid long-term responsibilities in the name of short-term expedience.

Humankind will continue to rely on the Ocean for a wide variety of resources, but can this reliance be more sustainable?

It absolutely can, as long as we take the approach of blue-green recovery and give the Ocean the respect it deserves. This approach is all about getting the balance right between protection and production.

The Ocean will provide us with the future we want, be it through better medicines, nutrition, or sources of renewable energy. Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, marine biotechnologies, ecotourism, the greening of the global shipping fleet and more, these will give us the resilience and sustainability we seek.

A sustainable ‘blue economy’ which takes into account the well-being of our Ocean will give us a healthy future, but only if we first correct our bad habits on land. 

How does that look on a small island developing state?

SDG Goal 14: Life Below Water., by United Nations

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are particularly vulnerable to global economic shocks and they are in need of special assistance at this time.

Many of these countries are highly dependent on tourism for foreign exchange earnings and employment. As lockdown measures ease, urgent attention is required to restore travel connections between compatible countries in order to allow some resumption of tourism. The same relaxation is required for trade and services between compatible countries.

How optimistic are you about the Ocean in the light of the coronavirus pandemic?

I try to be neither optimistic nor pessimistic, but instead concentrate on the dogged pragmatism required for us to implement our internationally agreed goals.

A 2018 report on global warming by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told us that limiting global warming to sustainable levels would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society. While life-altering pandemics are not the prescription for mitigation of climate change, the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated possibilities for unprecedented change. 

Perhaps the greatest risk of the pandemic would be that we lose sight of the most fundamental challenge facing humanity, which is the effect that climate change is having on our planet, now and in the future.

We must stay focused on the rapid reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions to levels that will keep global warming to no more than 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels. Without such action, we will be placing the wellbeing of future generations of humans in great jeopardy. 

The good news is that we have a universally agreed plan to save life in the Ocean which will also fight climate change and reduce rates of global warming. I refer to SDG 14, one the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

SDG 14 sets out to conserve and sustainably use the resources of the Ocean. Taken together with the Paris Climate Agreement, the faithful implementation of SDG 14 and the Sustainable Development Agenda will lead us to the future we want for people and for the Ocean.

Life Below Water and the UN

  • Conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources is the central focus of SDG 14 one of 17 goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
  • The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. 
  • Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea.
  • Over 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihood.

Time for nature

Author: United Nations

Panda Base, Chengdu, China.The Base is famous for the protection and breeding of endangered wild animals that are unique to China, including giant pandas and red pandas. UNDP/Dylan Lowthian

The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. For instance, each year, marine plants produce more than a half of our atmosphere’s oxygen, and a mature tree cleans our air, absorbing 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in exchange. Despite all the benefits that our nature gives us, we still mistreat it. That is why we need to work on that. That is why we need this Observance.

World Environment Day, hosted by Colombia this 2020, is the most renowned day for environmental action. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5 June: engaging governments, businesses, celebrities, and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue.

This year, the theme is biodiversity – a concern that is both urgent and existential. Recent events, from bushfires in Brazil, the United States, and Australia to locust infestations across East Africa – and now, a global disease pandemic – demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.

Biodiversity and its connection to humans

Biodiversity is the foundation that supports all life on land and below water. It affects every aspect of human health, providing clean air and water, nutritious foods, scientific understanding and medicine sources, natural disease resistance, and climate change mitigation. Changing, or removing one element of this web affects the entire life system and can produce negative consequences.

Human actions, including deforestation, encroachment on wildlife habitats, intensified agriculture, and acceleration of climate change, have pushed nature beyond its limit. It would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that humans make of nature each year. If we continue on this path, biodiversity loss will have severe implications for humanity, including the collapse of food and health systems.

The emergence of COVID-19 has underscored the fact that, when we destroy biodiversity, we destroy the system that supports human life. Today, it is estimated that, globally, about one billion cases of illness and millions of deaths occur every year from diseases caused by coronaviruses; and about 75 percent of all emerging infectious diseases in humans are zoonotic, meaning that they are transmitted to people by animals.

Nature is sending us a message.

For more information on World Environment Day visit:

National Resilience Council COVID-19 Knowledge Series

(Clockwise, from top left) Hon. Carlito Galvez, Jr., Chief Implementer of the National Task Force Against COVID-19; Ms. Antonia Yulo Loyzaga, President of the National Resilience Council; Hon. Delfin Lorenzana, Secretary of National Defense and NRC Co-Chair for Government; Dr. Manuel Dayrit, Adjunct Professor and Former Dean of the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health

In April 2020, the National Resilience Council (NRC), in partnership with ARISE Philippines, Zuellig Family Foundation, and the Makati Business Club, launched its 4-part COVID-19 Knowledge Series: Expert Dialogue on Resilience, Public Health, and Human Security. This series aims to provide a platform for informed multi-stakeholder dialogue; bridge global knowledge and expertise with local practice; and catalyze evidence-informed decisions and actions by bringing together representatives from the national and local government, the health sector, the private sector, and experts in leadership and governance.

The first webinar on the theme “Pandemic Frontliners: Health Emergency Practice and Crisis Leadership” was held on April 3, and established the need to have a unified course of action for the COVID-19 pandemic through an understanding of the interdependence between socially-engineered systems and natural systems. It highlighted the importance of resilient leadership and governance in building systems and a network of decisions that will actually lead to everyone’s desired impact. In a series of presentations, experts explored the ramifications of COVID-19 in the way we govern, the way we run businesses, and the way society will adapt in the aftermath of disaster-related trauma. Three critical management functions surfaced at the end of the session: management of innovation, management of logistics, and management of the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic. The overall takeaways from the session include the importance of command structure and key task groups, stronger national and local government collaboration, stronger public-private collaboration, and improved communication and collaboration with all stakeholders.

The second webinar on the theme “Pandemic Public Safety and Security” was held on April 17 to address the rapid evolution of the traditional and non-traditional roles of the safety and security sector in decreasing exposure and vulnerability to this biological hazard. COVID-19 has triggered cascading impacts across interdependent systems and has disrupted the operation of critical infrastructure. When compounded, these impacts may threaten social and economic stability and a nation’s resilience and security. This complexity has imbued the roles of the safety and security sector with even greater nuance and importance. The second session of the COVID-19 Knowledge Series highlighted the ways by which resilience, public health, safety, and security intersect and how frontliners meet these challenges. Ultimately, insights that can inform and align strategic and operational efforts in support of government containment and mitigation policies and programs were developed.

A special session featuring national government leaders, key decision-makers, and local chief executives was held on April 28. This session on the theme “Voices From the Frontline: Bayanihan in Action” highlighted the importance of harmonizing local actions when implementing evidence-informed national actions and establishing a list of priority actions by local government units in close collaboration and alignment with the Philippine National Task Force Against COVID-19’s mission and program of implementation.

The third webinar on the theme “Resilient Recovery of the Most Vulnerable: Challenges and Opportunities” was held on May 12 to address the challenges of social protection and the recovery of informal livelihoods and micro and small enterprises. Key decision makers presented government social protection programs, microfinance opportunities, and private sector strategies on the restoration of livelihoods among the informal sector and micro and small enterprises, using socio-economic infrastructure system to reinforce or sustain community action. It also established the critical role of the private sector in partnering with the government to address the impact of COVID-19 on various vulnerable groups. Experts provided context on the urban poor population in the country, vulnerability profile of Metro Manila, informal livelihoods, and the urban economy. The role of the informal sector’s solidarity networks and the pathways to resilience building of the urban poor were also highlighted.

The fourth webinar on the theme “Recovery & Resilience: Rethinking Growth Post-COVID-19” was held on May 22 and brought together industry leaders from both the government and the private sector as they discussed the recovery and resilience of the country post-pandemic in the context of macroeconomics. Some of the highlights from the discussion include the need to modernize and upgrade the Philippines’ health system, agriculture, supply chain management, protection of the Filipino workforce, support for digital transactions, and the national ID system. Digital upskilling, educational training, and wage subsidy programs were put forward as essential to create more jobs. The session highlighted the need for public-private partnerships to accelerate data-driven decision-making so as not to risk losing momentum in response and recovery. These partnerships could have far-reaching effects on society, economy, and politics. Digital technology was seen as key to strengthening the government’s monitoring and evaluation systems for policy responses and actions. There was a consensus that it is important to future proof the workforce by strengthening the Philippine educational system, sustain upskilling, and ensure adequate health protection. The national ID system was viewed to enable inclusive and innovative digital finance and ensure reliable databases for the design and impact assessment of policies. The moderator for this session was Mr. Coco Alcuaz, Executive Director of the Makati Business Club.


Webinar 1: Pandemic Frontliners: Emergency Health Practice and Crisis Leadership


  • Dr. Manuel Dayrit, former Philippine Secretary of Health and “SARS Czar”. He is an Adjunct Professor and former Dean at the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health and Trustee of the Zuellig Family Foundation.


  • Dr. Eric Rasmussen, CEO of Infinitum Humanitarian Systems
  • Dr. Frank Fuh-Yuan Shih, Attending Physician at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the National Taiwan University Hospital and COO for the Taipei Region Emergency Operations Center in the Taiwan Department of Health.
  • Mr. Edgar Chua, Chairman of Makati Business Club. He is also the Vice Chair for the Private Sector of the National Resilience Council, Trustee of the Zuellig Family Foundation, and President of De La Salle Philippines.


  • Dr. Myrna Cabotaje, Undersecretary for Public Health Services of the Department of Health
  • Hon. Jerry Trenas, Mayor of Iloilo City
  • Dr. Jaime Almora, President of the National Hospital Association

Webinar 2: Pandemic Public Safety and Security

Lead Discussant:

  • MGen Restituto Padilla, Jr. (Ret.), Spokesperson of the Philippine National Task Force Against COVID-19.  


  • Hana Akselrod, MD, MPH, Infectious Disease Physician and Asst. Professor of Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Hon. Ma. Isabelle Climaco, Mayor of Zamboanga City
  • Mr. Austere Panadero, Executive Director of the Zuellig Family Foundation and former Undersecretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government
  • Maria Carissa Alejandro, MD, Strategy & External Affairs Head of Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc.


  • VAdm Alexander Pama (Ret.), DRR Consultant for SM Prime Holdings, Inc. and NRC. He is the former Executive Director of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Council and Administrator of the Office of Civil Defense.

Special Session: Voices from the Frontline: Bayanihan in Action


  • Ernesto D. Garilao, Chairman and President of the Zuellig Family Foundation. He is the Vice Chair for CSOs/NGOs of NRC and is former Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform.

Lead Discussants:

  • Hon. Carlito Galvez, Jr. (Ret.), Chief Implementer of the National Task Force Against COVID-19. He is the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process and former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
  • Dr. Manuel Dayrit, former Philippine Secretary of Health and “SARS Czar”. He is an Adjunct Professor and former Dean at the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health and Trustee of the Zuellig Family Foundation.
  • Hon. Oscar Moreno, Mayor of Cagayan de Oro City
  • Hon. Ronnel Rivera, Mayor of General Santos City
  • Hon. Richard Gomez, DPA, Mayor of Ormoc City

Statements of Support:

  • MGen Restituto Padilla, Jr. (Ret.), Spokesperson of the Philippine National Task Force Against COVID-19. 
  • Engr. Dexter Lo, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan
  • Sergio Bernal, Jr., Vice President for External and Government Relations of Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation

Webinar 3: Resilient Recovery of the Most Vulnerable


  • Mr. Austere Panadero, Executive Director of the Zuellig Family Foundation and former Undersecretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government


  • Dr. Anna Marie Karaos, Faculty, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila University and Member, Council of Advisors, Coastal Cities at Risk in the Philippines (CCARPH)
  • Undersecretary Danilo G. Pamonag of the Department of Social Welfare and Development
  • Secretary Jose Ma. Concepcion III, Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship and Founder of GoNegosyo
  • Dr. Aristotle Alip, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of CARD-MRI
  • Mr. Jorge Consunji, President and CEO of D.M. Consunji, Inc.

Webinar 4: Recovery & Resilience: Rethinking Growth Post-COVID-19


  • Mr. Coco Alcuaz, Executive Director of Makati Business Club


  • Dr. Benjamin Diokno, PhD, Governor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
  • Mr. Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Chairman and CEO of Ayala Corp.


  • Mr. Nestor V. Tan, President and CEO of BDO Unibank
  • Mr. Ignacio Mijares, President and CEO of CEMEX Holdings Philippines
  • Mr. Gerardo A. Borromeo, Vice Chairman and CEO of Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc.

For more information about the COVID-19 Knowledge Series and details on future sessions, please email [email protected] or

Urban resiliency: Key to sustainability in 21st century Philippines

Source: The Philippine Star | Author: Hans T. Sy | Date: May 30, 2020

Filipinos have direct experiences with the devastating effects of climate change.

According to the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the Philippines ranks fourth among countries worldwide most affected by extreme weather events over a 19-year period, from 1998 to 2017. In terms of disaster risk, the Philippines also ranked high globally – placing third among all other countries, according to the World Risk Report in 2018. Given the archipelagic nature of our country, at least 60 percent of our total land area is exposed to multiple hazards, and as much as 74 percent of our total population – now a little over 100 million – is susceptible to these adverse impacts.

With 25 percent of the people living in Metro Manila, the need to build resilient cities cannot rest on the government alone. The private sector has to do its share in building critical infrastructure to help communities thrive above the effects of climate change.

This became very apparent to me when I saw one of our malls in Pangasinan go under the flood along with the whole town during Typhoon Pepeng (international name: Parma). I realized that resilience is important to our stakeholders – our employees, tenants, customers, suppliers and communities surrounding our malls. I was determined to help our stakeholders bounce back better and stronger.

In the Philippines, the private sector contributes a majority of capital investment on facilities for safety and security, transportation, communication and other services like power and water. As such, private-private public partnership plays a vital role in ensuring the sustainability of cities by ensuring their resiliency against disasters and climate threats.

The private sector can share the role in adopting responsible and sustainable business practices. In particular, businesses should take a closer look at integrating disaster risk reduction into its business models and processes.

In SM, we need a holistic approach to disaster resilience.

First, we integrated disaster risk reduction in our malls, allotting 10 percent of our capital expenditure to disaster resilient features in the design and construction.  We employ disaster risk management methods such as risk assessments, early warning systems, business continuity management systems and continuous efforts for capacity building.

With each event, we have had to assess the impact of climate change against what we prepared for such as during Typhoon Ondoy (international name: Ketsana) and other typhoons, where the higher design elevation of the Mall of Asia complex proved able to withstand the large waves and storm surges. For our future developments, we are using peak disaster events based on data reaching back 100 years or more and providing for buffers even beyond that.

In our malls and property developments such as offices, not easily apparent features such as energy efficiency, waste management and even traffic control measures create substantial positive impact in the overall environmental sustainability and safety of our operations. This in turn contributes to the collective sustainability of the communities we are located in.

Secondly, we had to develop the resilience of our stakeholders especially our tenants. In order to help our tenants and locators preserve data integrity that is vital to their business operations, we have built the first SM Resilience Center in SM Clark, Pampanga as a centralized data and digital information hub and repository. We currently provide free data storage of five gigabytes for around 1,600 SMEs from all around the country that serves as a vital backup during disaster recovery and business continuity. As a result, SMEs can access digitized copies of their contracts, permits, policies and other important documents to help them bounce-back better after a business disruption.

Our malls have also evolved to serve as the modern-day version of the town plaza where residents of our communities gather and converge. Recognizing that our malls are resilient structures that can offer refuge in times of calamities, SM pioneered community services such as free parking and basic shelter during extraordinary natural disasters.

Thirdly, an important approach toward urban resiliency is multi-sectoral cooperation and collaboration. I have taken an active role in UNISDR’s ARISE, a private sector alliance that promotes collaboration towards disaster risk reduction. In support of our commitment to UN ARISE, we engaged with the public sector, in partnership with other colleagues in the business community.

Among the partners we work with are the National Resilience Council, APEC Emergency Preparedness Capacity Building Center, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and Global Education and Training Institute, Department of Trade and Industry, and many others. These partnerships not just directly address immediate disaster risk reduction needs but also provide longer-term capacity building and technical assistance to community stakeholders and beneficiaries.

ACHIEVING TRUE RESILIENCE is a COMBINED EFFORT of the government, the private sector and civil society. We in the private sector should do our part in adopting responsible and sustainable business practices to help fortify our urban centers – integrating disaster risk reduction into business models and processes, and making investments that not only translate to financial return but shared value that safeguards the lives and interests of all our stakeholders.

Hans Sy is the chairman of the Executive Committee of SM Prime Holding, Inc. His involvement with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) was first, as a member, the only Filipino, of its Private Sector Advisory Group, and currently, as an international board member of UNISDR “ARISE” – Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies, a platform for businesses to share knowledge and strategies toward investing particularly in disaster resilience and management.

The digital challenge

Source: The Philippine Star – Filipino Worldview | Author: Ambassador Roberto R. Romulo | Date: May 29, 2020

Recently, the National Resilience Council (NRC) held its 4th Webinar conference hosted by the Makati Business Club, this time focusing on economic recovery and resilience. The guest speaker was BSP Governor Ben Diokno. DND Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and I made opening remarks on behalf of NRC.

In my opening remarks, I did not dwell on BSP’s policy response to the coronavirus disease 2019 or Covid-19 crisis, but rather shared my personal experiences in online banking necessitated by the quarantine which will be the new normal even after the pandemic as more and more transactions are made online. I raised the issue of legacy requirements for physical presence or documents to effect banking transactions. I asked what the BSP policy was with regards to digital cash; paperless exchange and “presenceless” authentication being adopted by an increasing number of countries.

As it turns out, the BSP’s policy response, aside from the monetary and prudential tools in its arsenal, included an emphasis on the extensive use of digital technology moving forward. The Governor is well suited to spearhead this effort. He had demonstrated his being tech-savvy when as budget secretary, he collaborated with DOST on a project called DIME (Digital Imaging for Monitoring and Evaluation). The objective was, using satellite imagery, to monitor the status and implementation of government projects (e.g. public works projects, irrigation projects).

Allow me to quote portions of the Governor’s expansive presentation on this topic:

“With the increased usage of non-bank channels to send/receive money, the BSP has been improving channels of remittances with the approval of new technologies in remittance transfers (mobile phones, internet, cash cards). However, insufficient IT infrastructure is leading to the slow internet connection, additional costs (e.g. online service fees), data privacy and cybersecurity risks, and lack of knowledge on new technologies may pose challenges in the implementation of financial digital services.”

“To expand the reach of digital transactions, we need to increase contactless payment facilities, such as PayMaya and GCash can be expanded to include wet markets, retail stores and public utility vehicles (jeep, taxis, tricycles, bus). The adoption of the QR code standard must be expedited to enable interoperable payments of person to person and person to merchant transactions. The scale of the recently launched EGOV Pay Facility can be expanded to enable ordinary citizens to digitally pay government taxes, fees and charges.”

Beyond banking, he cited that the demand for digital technology in the post-Covid world will increase exponentially as companies, schools and government agencies implement learn and work from home arrangements and virtual meetings. He further stressed that digital technology is key to strengthening the government’s monitoring and evaluation systems for policy responses and actions.

From my personal perspective, I was delighted that he stressed the importance of future proofing our workforce by strengthening the educational system, sustained upskilling and adequate health protection. As I said in the virtual conference, I recommend that BSP hire a cadre of young IT professionals (as stated by UN, our median age is 27.5) versed in today’s digital technology, employ them with competitive wages and train for the future, even sending them abroad.

The Governor also cited the expeditious implementation of the National ID system will enable inclusive and innovative digital finance and ensure reliable database for the design and impact assessment of policies, including those for taxation and social safety net purposes. Acting NEDA Secretary Karl Chua is also pushing for the acceleration of the National ID project.

The Governor will be well supported in his digital endeavor by competent BSP officers like Lilia Guillermo and Pia Roman-Tayag.

I have written about how supportive Sonny Dominguez is about our transition to the digital economy. Three government officials seem to have embraced the concept: “It’s the Digital Economy Stupid”. I hope the President listens.

Much has been written about the surprise acceptance by the President of Undersecretary Eliseo Rio’s resignation which was filed last January. For a time, Rio was the only visible DICT official.  Secretary Gringo Honasan has been barely visible in contrast. But no worry, his replacement, my irrepressible friend, RJ Jacinto, is guaranteed to generate headlines with his controversial stance on issues like common cell towers.

I would like to see DICT take a leadership and more assertive role in leading us to the digital economy as is their mandate. But I am reminded to be careful what you wish for. With both DICT Secretary Honasan and RJ admitting they are not ICT experts, we may see a classic case of the Blind leading the Blind.