Day: October 18, 2024
APMCDRR2024 Exhibit Booth Day 03
LOOK: The NRC’s presence at the conference creates impact with its commitment to foster a whole-society-approach in promoting disaster and climate resilience. Numerous delegates visited the booth and have expressed keen interest in learning about the NRC’s initiatives and strategies for building more resilient communities in the Philippines. #BridgingLeadership#ScienceToPractice#BounceForwardTogether#ResilientPhilippines#APMCDRR2024#SurgeTo2030
The Philippine Resilience Awards (PRA) takes center stage alongside other resilience champions that propel inclusive disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Philippines through the Women’s International Network on Disaster Risk Reduction’s event entitled “The Faces of Resilience: How Diverse DRR Champions Catalyze Community-led Transformation”. Sharing the story of PRA is the National…